Ask Me Anything

with The Anxiety Coaches Podcast

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Identifying with anxiety

Hello Gina! I have been dealing with severe anxiety for a couple of years and I am now starting to feel better to live a ”normal” life. I have basically identified as a person who can’t do certain things because of my anxiety and I have used it as an excuse sometimes and almost enjoyed that people have been nice to me and let me get away with things, for example, my parents letting me stay at home when I haven’t been feeling good. But I do want a life where I believe in myself and that I can do everything that I want to do. Travel, apply for educations, move out of my parents house. How can I stop identifying myself with anxiety?

Fears and Insecurities

Some of my anxiety stems from comparing my situation to others. I worry that when I go away for a few days or on a lengthier holiday that I will feel stressed. I have frequently felt this way and so I dread visiting friends or other acquaintances..Often I can't enjoy myself for this simple reason. I feel that my friends are more caring, more loving, more efficient, than I am. I know this is silly but I just can't get this feeling out of my system when I have experienced this so often. Is it just that I am insecure or have high expectations of myself or my husband?

Need an example

In Podcast #629, you say to make a list of things we are willing to do differently to make new neural pathways. Do you have an example of what you mean?

First fear, second fear

I have been reading Claire Weekes book and getting more familiar with the concept of first fear, second fear. I am wondering if this concept applies to other emotions we feel that can lead to anxiety/stress? Like first anger, second anger? I notice that oftentimes my anxiety starts to rise with a first thought of anger or irritation at a family member, or a memory that causes resentment that then spirals. Do these things work the same as the first fear, second fear that we have to catch before they spiral, but instead of the "what if's" or Oh My goodness, it is a spiral of angry thoughts or recounting wrongs that leads to anxiousness. Thanks Gina!

Thank you 😊

I just want you to know that the ads have never been a bother to me, but your podcast is such a positive part I my life and I want to support you the only way I can. I was wondering if there is an archived episode about your personal history with anxiety. Thanks for all you do.